ویژه مجتمع‌های مسکونی و تجاری

Special Services for Residential & Business Buildings

Exclusive access to fixed internet in the shortest time and with the highest quality

Nowadays, access to high-speed Internet has become a fundamental requirement for individuals both in their professional and personal lives. Shatel has introduced a distinctive opportunity for residential and business buildings to avail high-speed Internet services through the installation of equipment within the premises. This service eliminates any limitations imposed by telecommunication centers, thereby significantly enhancing the speed and quality of the Internet experience.

Shatel provides two solutions for Internet services, namely Ethernet and copper cable-based services (ADSL/VDSL), to address the issue of Internet access in residential and business buildings. Presently, tens of thousands of users in these buildings are utilizing these services to access high-speed and high-quality Internet.

Advantages of Internet services for Residential & Business Buildings

With the highest level of access and network quality

Experiencing exceptional speeds of 20 to 50 Mbps

Constant quality and low volatility of internet service

Best price compared to the quality provided

24-hour support and sales

Constant quality not affected by the usage of other residents or the distance from the telecommunication center

Benefiting from special offers available in Shatel Customer Club


Available services in residential & business buildings

Especially for residential and commercial complexes

ADSL2+ high speed internet with a speed of up to 20Mbps

VDSL high speed internet with a speed of up to 50Mbps

Ethernet high speed internet with a speed of up to 50Mbps

Eight-digit landline telephone service (VoIP)

Supplementary services such as streaming movies and TV series via Namava (without incurring any data usage)

Comparison of Available Services

Description Ethernet Service ADSL/VDSL Service
Speed up to 50Mbps 50-20Mbps
Need for landline phone ×
Need for Access Point or WAN modems ×
Need for ADSL/VDSL modems ×
Need for wiring in the building ×
Price difference with other shatel services × ×
Minimum of units needed in the building to install the equipment 8 in buildings with at least 10 units 24 in buildings with at least 30 units

Special conditions for Installation & Activation

The necessary equipment shall be installed within the premises without any cost to the client.

✓ There shall be no fees associated with the installation of equipment within the premises.

In the event that Ethernet equipment is installed, the client shall be responsible for the wiring expenses. However, as an incentive policy, Shatel shall waive any charges associated with surface wiring.



Signing the Contract


Conducting Feasibility Study


Installation of Equipment


Establishing Internet Connection

Place a request

Kindly submit a formal request for Internet service provision in residential and business buildings by completing the following form. Our colleagues will contact you in the shortest time possible. For further inquiries, please contact us at 91000911.

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