
Which organizations is Shatel in direct contact with?
    • Communications Regulatory AuthorityIt is an independent legislative and regulatory body whose role is to make the telecommunications services market competitive and to improve the quality of the services. Communications Regulatory Authority has been established in order to implement the resolutions of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, to achieve the related goals and to perform the related tasks, and its chairman is the Deputy Minister.
      The license issuance for any information technology services, monitoring the performance of license holders within the framework of license provisions, setting standards and criteria, and approval of equipment samples in the field of information technology are some of the authorities of this organization.
    • Information Technology Organization

It is a government institution, affiliated to Information and Communications Technology Ministry, which, by creating and applying the required mechanisms, will control and direct the field of information technology including public and private sectors through the implementation of policies, regulations, and standards based on national and public interests and security. It also pursues national interests and policies in the field of information technology through relevant international institutions and forums on behalf of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mission of this organization includes targeting, guiding, strategic monitoring, organizing and safe, secure and sustainable development of the country’s information technology in order to provide benefits, interests, national security, public welfare and comprehensive and sustainable development of the country.

  • Telecommunications Infrastructure Company


  • Following the policies and plans of the Islamic Republic in communicating the policies of Article 44 of the Constitution, this company operates as an independent company of the Telecommunication Company of Iran. The company is the sole custodian of the telecommunications networks (infrastructure communications network) in the country and is also the agent of government policies of Information and Communications Technology Ministry in the communications sector.
  • Telecommunication Company of Iran
  • It was founded in 1971 with a capital of five billion Rials. The company has 30 provincial offices, and owns the fixed telecommunication company (Ashna Aval) and mobile telecommunication company (Hamrah Aval). The main mission of this company is the provision of telecommunication networks and any activity related to the field of communication and information technology, with the exception of the main networks.
Other organizations with which Shatel is in more limited connection:
              • Iran Supreme Council of Informatics
              • Iran Computer Trade Union Organization
              • Tehran Computer Technicians Union
              • Supreme Assembly of Imports
              • Chamber of Commerce
              • Protection of Consumers’ Rights Organization
              • Government Penitentiary Organization
              • Cyber Police
What are Shatel’s most important services and activities?
The main and most important activities of Shatel Group of Companies, as the largest group providing Internet services, communication solutions and Internet content services in the country can be listed as follows:

    • ADSL2+ and PTP high speed internet services
    • Voice and landline telephone services
    • Provision and installation of access and integration network equipment for telecommunication companies and large organizations
    • Wireless and DSL Broadband services
    • Specific enterprise solutions for establishing point-to-point communication or virtual private networks (VPNs)
    • Data center services and its complementary solutions
    • Shatel Android Security solutions
      Technical support services for all communication services with local and global networks
    • Special services for Residential and Business Buildings
    • Namava Content services to watch movies and series online